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Eight Common Employee Benefits That Offer Tax Advantages for Employers

Employee benefits are essential to keep your workers happy and motivated in the workplace. They don't just attract top talent but help you to retain your current employees as well. However, providing these benefits can be costly, and it's crucial to find ways to save money as a business owner. One of the best ways to do that is by offering tax-advantaged benefits. In this blog post, we'll discuss eight common employee benefits that offer tax advantages for employers.

1. Health Insurance

When it comes to employer-sponsored health insurance, here's the deal: it's usually fully tax-deductible for employers. That means the premiums you pay towards your employees' health insurance can really help reduce your taxable income. But remember, the deduction amount depends on how much premium you actually pay. Oh, and if your business only covers a portion of the premiums and employees pay the rest, only the employer-paid part is tax-deductible. So providing health insurance is not only good for your employees' well-being, but it's also a smart move for your business's financial health.

2. Retirement Plans

Retirement plans like 401(k) plans are a sweet employee benefit that can boost morale and keep your workers happy. The best part? All the contributions your employer makes to the 401(k) plans are tax-deductible, which means less tax for your business. Plus, any earnings on the investments within the 401(k) plans grow tax-free, letting you enjoy the benefits of compound interest over time. And guess what? You might even be eligible for tax credits to offset the costs of starting a 401(k) plan.

3. Life Insurance

Life insurance is a super important benefit that brings peace of mind and financial security to your employees and their families. Plus, it can even come with some tax perks for employers! When employers provide group term life insurance up to $50,000, it's usually tax-deductible. And the premiums they pay? They can deduct those as a business expense. But keep in mind, any coverage beyond that amount might be subject to income tax for the employee. Oh, and depending on the policy, the cash value growth inside can accumulate on a tax-deferred basis. Bottom line, it's a good idea for employers to chat with a tax pro or financial advisor to understand all the tax implications and benefits of offering life insurance to employees.

4. Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are not just great for employees, they also offer awesome tax benefits for employers. First off, the money employees put into a Dependent Care FSA is exempt from payroll taxes like Social Security and Medicare taxes. That means employers can save a ton on payroll tax expenses. Plus, depending on the state, contributions to a Dependent Care FSA might also be exempt from state unemployment taxes. And here's the cool part: while employees use pre-tax dollars for their Dependent Care FSA, employers can deduct their expenses for managing these plans. Like other tax-advantaged benefits, it's important for employers to talk to a tax professional to fully understand the tax benefits and obligations of offering a Dependent Care FSA.

5. Disability Benefits

Disability insurance provides wage replacement benefits to employees who can't work due to injury or illness. These benefits are tax-free for the employee, and as an employer, you don't have to pay payroll taxes on the premiums. You can deduct disability insurance premiums as a business expense, reducing your taxable income. If you pay the premiums, the employee's benefits may be taxable. But if the employee pays premiums with after-tax dollars, the benefits received are generally tax-free. It might be a good idea to structure disability insurance so that employees pay the premiums. Don't forget to consult a tax professional or financial advisor for guidance on the tax implications and obligations of offering disability benefits.

6. Education Assistance

By offering an Educational Assistance Program (EAP), employers can reimburse up to $5,250 per employee per year in educational costs (as of 2021) without any tax liability for the employee or the employer. So basically, the reimbursed amount is not subject to payroll taxes or federal income tax. The cool thing is that the employer can deduct these expenses as a business expense, which reduces their overall taxable income. Education support can cover a bunch of stuff like tuition, fees, books, and supplies. And get this, the course doesn't have to be job-related to qualify. Just remember, anything over the $5,250 threshold is considered taxable income and should be included in the employee's wages. Oh, and don't forget to consult with a tax professional to fully understand the tax implications and benefits of offering educational assistance to employees.

7. Transportation Benefits

Transportation benefits are a pretty sweet deal that can actually save you some money on taxes. Here's how it works: employers can offer benefits like transit passes, commuter vehicles, and parking expenses, and they can claim these as business expenses to lower their taxable income. And for employees, the best part is that these benefits are usually not subject to income tax, at least up to a certain limit. In 2021, you can exclude up to $270 per month for both commuter highway vehicle transportation and transit passes, and another $270 per month for parking benefits. Just keep in mind that anything over these limits might be considered taxable income. So, it's definitely worth taking advantage of these benefits if you can!

8. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) offer a treasure trove of tax benefits for both employees and employers. From an employer's standpoint, contributions made to an employee's HSA are like hidden gems, exempt from federal income and payroll taxes. This not only results in significant tax savings but also gives employers a shiny tax deduction to claim. And here's the real gem: if the HSA is part of a Section 125 (cafeteria) plan, contributions won't be subject to state income tax in most states. But wait, there's more! The growth and distributions from these accounts, when used for qualified medical expenses, are like hidden gems that sparkle with tax-free benefits, adding even more value to the employer's benefits package. Just like uncovering buried treasure, it's always wise to seek the guidance of a tax professional to fully understand and appreciate the tax implications and benefits of offering HSAs.

Offering employee benefits is a crucial aspect of being a good employer, but the costs can quickly add up. By offering tax-advantaged benefits, you can provide your employees with the support they need while reducing your tax burden. From health insurance to transportation benefits, there are plenty of options to choose from. Talk to one of our financial advisors to determine which benefits make the most sense for your business and your employees.


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