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The Endeavor Way

At Endeavor Advisors, we are rooted in the principles of Nobel Prize-winning research, reflecting our commitment to a sophisticated, evidence-based investment approach. Rather than relying on stock picking or merely tracking the index, we design diversified, long-term strategies uniquely tailored to each client’s objectives. Our disciplined methodology is what sets us apart, consistently delivering enduring financial success and demonstrating why our clients trust us to manage and optimize their wealth.

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Endeavor Invests Differently

Since its inception, the firm has been dedicated to applying financial science to investing. But what does it mean to follow the science of investing? It involves developing strategies rooted in rigorous academic research, incorporating insights from Nobel Laureates and their ideologies.


It means looking past guesses about what company or sector might outperform and beyond the restrictions that tracking an index imposes. Our daily systematic approach to outperforming benchmarks and peers sets us apart. We go where the  science leads, continually improving for better outcomes

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Managing Portfolios

Our Disciplined Wealth Portfolios are managed according to the covenants of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and adhere to four key elements:

Strategic asset allocation as our core philosophy as opposed to a tactical or dynamic allocation approach.

A commitment to broadly diversified, global portfolios with passive or passive-leaning underlying investments.

Strong adherence to Nobel Prize-winning academic research that has identified certain risk "factors" for which investors might expect to earn a higher return over time

Use of low-cost underlying investments whenever possible

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our investment strategy is based on well-established academic research, specifically the Three-Factor Model and Modern Portfolio Theory. Both have won the Nobel Prize in Economics and are widely regarded as the gold standard in investment management. By systematically filtering and tilting towards high-performing companies, we apply these principles to our index investments, aiming for consistent market outperformance.

  • Active Investing. This involves trying to outperform the market through market timing and predictions, often at a high cost. However, data shows that it's challenging to outperform the market after fees.


    Passive Investing. This approach emphasizes broad diversification and low costs. However, it strictly involves buying everything in the index with zero flexibility.

  • Endeavor Advisors systematically filters out stocks that don't meet academic standards, aiming for consistent outperformance. Unlike active investors who rely on skill and information to beat the market, we adhere to broad diversification and low costs while applying scientific principles to our investment strategy.​

  • We stay true to what makes passive investing truly successful: strict adherence to diversification and low costs. However, we are not restricted to buying everything in a sector. Instead, we selectively invest in companies that meet our rigorous academic standards, ensuring both low costs and high potential returns.

  • Endeavor combines the principles of passive investing—diversification and low costs—with a focus on outperforming the market. We tilt towards companies that have been scientifically proven to provide higher returns over time, applying academic principles to the index. This approach allows us to avoid companies that do not perform well based on scientific principles, thus optimizing our investment recommendations. However, it strictly involves buying everything in the index with zero flexibility.

  • Diversification helps spread risk across various assets, reducing the impact of any single investment's poor performance on the overall portfolio. This approach aligns with our goal of maintaining broad market exposure while selectively investing in high-return companies, ensuring a balanced and resilient portfolio.

  • At Endeavor Advisors, our clients benefit from exclusive pricing thanks to our economies of scale. As a larger firm with a broad client base, we are able to negotiate lower fees on ETFs and Index Funds, passing those savings directly to our clients. This cost efficiency, combined with our access to exclusive funds like Dimensional Funds, ensures that our clients enjoy optimized portfolio performance with reduced overall expenses.

  • As fiduciaries, we are committed to placing your interests above all else. By deeply understanding your financial goals and risk tolerance, combined with rigorous research and analysis, we ensure that our investment recommendations are precisely tailored to align with your unique objectives. This disciplined approach guarantees that each decision is made with the utmost care, always prioritizing your best interests. At Endeavor Advisors, we are committed to practicing what we preach, and we are invested in the same investments that we put our clients in, walking with you along the way.

  • At Endeavor Advisors, we focus on providing comprehensive services including investment management, financial planning, tax strategy, and estate planning. We charge a blended fee based on the value of the investments we manage, starting with a minimum planning fee of $3,000 per year.

    Our fee structure is straightforward:

    • 1% on the first $1,000,000 we manage

    • 0.75% on amounts between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000

    • 0.50% on amounts between $3,000,000 and $10,000,000

    • 0.25% on amounts above $10,000,000

  • We ensure that the fees you pay are fair and competitive by maintaining a high level of transparency and consistently benchmarking our rates against industry standards. At Endeavor Advisors, our fee structure is designed to provide exceptional value, often at rates lower than many of our peers, without compromising on the quality of service. Unlike many firms, we are not bound by quotas or forced to work with anyone—we truly enjoy what we do and are committed to being fair with our clients. This approach ensures that you receive top-tier financial guidance at a cost that is both reasonable and reflective of our genuine dedication to your success.

  • Our investment strategy is based on well-established academic research, specifically the Three-Factor Model and Modern Portfolio Theory. Both have won the Nobel Prize in Economics and are widely regarded as the gold standard in investment management. By systematically filtering and tilting towards high-performing companies, we apply these principles to our index investments, aiming for consistent market outperformance.

  • Endeavor Advisors systematically filters out stocks that don't meet academic standards, aiming for consistent outperformance. Unlike active investors who rely on skill and information to beat the market, we adhere to broad diversification and low costs while applying scientific principles to our investment strategy.

  • Active Investing: This involves trying to outperform the market through market timing and predictions, often at a high cost. However, data shows that it's challenging to outperform the market after fees.


    Passive Investing: This approach emphasizes broad diversification and low costs. However, it strictly involves buying everything in the index with zero flexibility.

  • We stay true to what makes passive investing truly successful: strict adherence to diversification and low costs. However, we are not restricted to buying everything in a sector. Instead, we selectively invest in companies that meet our rigorous academic standards, ensuring both low costs and high potential returns.

  • Endeavor combines the principles of passive investing—diversification and low costs—with a focus on outperforming the market. We tilt towards companies that have been scientifically proven to provide higher returns over time, applying academic principles to the index. This approach allows us to avoid companies that do not perform well based on scientific principles, thus optimizing our investment recommendations. However, it strictly involves buying everything in the index with zero flexibility.

  • Diversification helps spread risk across various assets, reducing the impact of any single investment's poor performance on the overall portfolio. This approach aligns with our goal of maintaining broad market exposure while selectively investing in high-return companies, ensuring a balanced and resilient portfolio.

  • Working with a professional Investment Advisor at Endeavor Advisors offers significant advantages. Our clients gain access to exclusive funds, such as Dimensional Funds and institutional funds, which feature lower overall fees and higher rates of return. These benefits ultimately result in greater financial gains for our clients.

  • As fiduciaries, we are committed to placing your interests above all else. By deeply understanding your financial goals and risk tolerance, combined with rigorous research and analysis, we ensure that our investment recommendations are precisely tailored to align with your unique objectives. This disciplined approach guarantees that each decision is made with the utmost care, always prioritizing your best interests. At Endeavor Advisors, we are committed to practicing what we preach, and we are invested in the same investments that we put our clients in, walking with you along the way.

  • We ensure that the fees you pay are fair and competitive by maintaining a high level of transparency and consistently benchmarking our rates against industry standards. At Endeavor Advisors, our fee structure is designed to provide exceptional value, often at rates lower than many of our peers, without compromising on the quality of service. Unlike many firms, we are not bound by quotas or forced to work with anyone—we truly enjoy what we do and are committed to being fair with our clients. This approach ensures that you receive top-tier financial guidance at a cost that is both reasonable and reflective of our genuine dedication to your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

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