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Watch An Intro Video

Hieu Luong

Insurance Planning Specialist

Phoenix, Arizona Office

I've worked in client relations for many years, beginning as an account manager and then later transitioning to more project management-based work. Over time, I realized I am happiest when I am helping clients have the best experience possible. So, after leaving the marketing industry, I joined Endeavor to get back to my roots and establish a career that I genuinely enjoy.


Every day, I am clients' first point-of-contact for any issues, questions or concerns they may have. My favorite part about this job is when short-term clients become long-term clients. Oftentimes, we meet clients when they're in a pretty vulnerable position. However, over time, our advice and guidance eases their fears and alleviates their frustrations, allowing them to genuinely enjoy the experience.


In my free time, you can find me meeting friends, cooking, and traveling around the Phoenix with my wife Nguyen and our 7 children.

More About Hieu

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?

I would create a community center.

What's the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?

At a friend's house party or with my wife.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Live on the beach in the summer and near the mountains in the winter.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?

Living on the beach!

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes.
What might those wishes be?

I would wish for the house of my dreams, the ability to work from home and the option to never grow old.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what's something you would tell your 18-year-old self?

Take more risks and don't be afraid to say "no."


Los Angeles, CA

10+ years


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Meet Other Advisors

Charles Luong, ChFEBC


Ajay Vadukul

Co-Founder/Investment Advisor Representative

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