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Watch An Intro Video

Ajay Vadukul

Co-Founder/Investment Advisor Representativez

Los Angeles, California Office

From a very young age, I was interested in the stock market. Every day, I would watch my parents read the latest stock market update and adjust their strategy accordingly. This passion led me to pursue internships at several investment practices right out of college, where I quickly learned the art and science behind making investment decisions.


While I was able to secure multiple jobs at a variety of firms after that, I was interested in creating a practice that was more in-line with my values and beliefs. I met Charles Luong, our president, and together we created Endeavor Advisors.


Since joining Endeavor, my knowledge and insight into the stock market have continued to grow and expand. A life-long learner, I am constantly reading up on the latest market changes in order to create effective investment portfolios for our clients. In my free time, I enjoy eating out with friends and catching the latest movie.

More About Ajay

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?

I would invest it all in the stock market.

What's the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?

At the movie theater catching the latest thriller.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Live on the beach in the summer and near the mountains in the winter.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?

Living on the beach!

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?

I would wish for perfect eyesight, unlimited vacation days and the ability to know which way the market is going to turn before it happens.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what's something you would tell your 18-year-old self?

Live in the moment and never underestimate your value.


Los Angeles, CA

10+ years


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Meet Other Advisors

Charles Luong, ChFEBC


Hieu Luong

Insurance Planning Specialist

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