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Feel good about your money

We help you get the most out of life with your money.

We don't do cookie-cutter financial advice.

We take pride in getting to know you beyond just the numbers - your goals, dreams, and all the little details of your financial situation. This understanding helps us create a financial plan that's truly tailored to you, not a generic one-size-fits-all solution.
With years of experience and a team of Certified Financial Planners (CFP), we strive to achieve better returns using innovative strategies while keeping costs low and maintaining diversification. By combining solid science with personalized touches, we ensure your financial plan is effective, personal, and a true reflection of your overall financial situation.

Human financial advice for humans (like you)

Look at what the hundreds of people say after working with Endeavor Advisors.

Meet Our Team

Charles Luong, ChFEBC


Ajay Vadukul

Co-Founder/Investment Advisor Representative

Hieu Luong

Insurance Planning Specialist

Monica Trajano

Support Staff

We want you to walk away feeling great.

Our approach isn't just a tagline or a sales pitch; it's about genuinely understanding what matters to you—the real reasons you value money. By keeping things straightforward, we get to know you and your financial goals deeply. From there, we craft a tailored financial plan that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, leveraging empirically tested economic principles and evidence-based methodologies to ensure success.

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We designed Endeavor to help financial advisors do their best work, and when they do, client returns can improve as much as 3% more each year.


Behavioral Coaching. Advisors can provide guidance to clients on managing emotions during market fluctuations, preventing impulsive decisions that could harm investment returns.

Asset Allocation. Advisors can assist in creating a diversified investment portfolio tailored to the client's risk tolerance and financial goals, optimizing returns while minimizing risk.

Tax-Efficient Strategies. By implementing tax-efficient investment strategies, advisors can help clients reduce tax liabilities, ultimately increasing overall investment returns.

The Purpose Plan

Unlike many firms, we don’t start with the numbers. Instead, we begin with understanding what you want most out of life. Our method delves into your personal goals and values, ensuring our recommendations are thoughtful, well-researched, and in your best interest. This approach allows us to create a strong financial plan so you can experience financial freedom.

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Proactive Planning

As a fee-only, fiduciary firm, our priority is to provide you with the knowledge and resources for success. Without commission incentives or conflicts of interest, our recommendations serve your best interests. We simplify industry jargon to ensure our solutions are easy to understand and apply in daily life.

We believe anything is possible, and challenges guide us in the right direction. With strategic financial planning, you can tackle any issue with confidence. Explore potential scenarios and our recommended solutions.

Our planning process.

What to Expect

Follow a Timeline That's Right For You.

Your short- and long-term objectives may change. And that's okay. As these objectives change, we'll strategically adjust our approach according to the current state of the market so you continue to generate returns. After outlining your objectives, we'll design a strategy that aligns with your optimal timeline for achieving your returns.

Our Solutions

We are firm believers that anything is possible, and whatever challenges that come up along the way. Explore the different scenarios you might find yourself in- and the solutions we would recommend.

  • Investment Management

    Accomplish your short- and long-term objectives with an investment portfolio tailored according to your unique risk profile.

  • Retirement Planning

    Social Security, pension, stocks and more. We’ll identify all potential sources of income so you can look forward to your life past.

  • Tax Planning

    Feel confident once filing season comes around with a strategic tax planning approach that keeps your numbers in order so no detail falls through the cracks.

  • Insurance Planning

    Our access to some of the top providers in the country enables us to hand-pick the insurance solutions that offer the most value at a price that’s right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions


We work with people looking to delegate their critical planning and investment needs on an ongoing basis. Our services include investment management, financial planning, tax strategy, tax preparation, and estate planning. We charge a blended fee that’s a percentage of the value of the investments we manage.
We charge a minimum planning fee of $3,000 per year.

Our fee structure is:
— 1% on the first $1,000,000 we manage
— 0.75% on amounts between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000
— 0.50% on amounts between $3,000,000 and $10,000,000
— 0.25% on amounts above $10,000,000

We don’t get paid through any type of commission, kickback, or other undisclosed revenue sources.


Your CPA does a great job accounting for last year's financials, but they often don't focus on minimizing your future tax liability.

At Endeavor Advisors, we provide a comprehensive view and offer strategies to optimize your spending and savings for tax efficiency. You, or your CPA, will still handle filing your tax return.


Our mission is to maximize the value you get from your money. To achieve this, we aim to handle as much of the planning for you as possible. We assist clients with:

  • Retirement planning

  • Investment management

  • Tax planning

  • Estate planning

  • Insurance review

  • Cash flow planning

And everything else necessary to ensure you feel both secure and enthusiastic about your financial future!


We are an independent registered investment advisor, allowing us the freedom to recommend the best products and strategies tailored to your unique situation. As fiduciaries, we are legally obligated to prioritize your best interests—something we naturally do. Though based in Southern California, we primarily serve clients remotely across the United States.

To start, we’ll have multiple meetings and continue with at least two review meetings annually. Between these sessions, you’ll receive weekly educational content through emails, videos, and podcasts.


We work with individuals from all walks of life. However, to remain sustainable as a business, we must receive fair compensation. Our ideal clients are those who have achieved a certain level of success, typically with a portfolio of at least $500,000. They’ve done an excellent job of saving and now seek expert guidance to optimize their wealth without the burden of managing it all themselves.

If we’re unable to work together, we will gladly assist with any questions you have and direct you to someone who can help. Please feel free to reach out today to explore what’s possible.

Insight and Education.

Learn from our informative videos on our YouTube channel.


How to increase your Social Security

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How to increase your Social Security

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Leave it to us.

Discover how your team will help align your wealth, passions, and purpose. Get started by booking an appointment. We can't wait to meet you!

We want you to walk away feeling great.

Our approach isn't just a tagline or a sales pitch; it's about genuinely understanding what matters to you—the real reasons you value money. By keeping things straightforward, we get to know you and your financial goals deeply. From there, we craft a tailored financial plan that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, leveraging empirically tested economic principles and evidence-based methodologies to ensure success.

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